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While doing something, it seems natural to ask yourself, “Am I having fun?” or “Am I learning anything?” However, when designing a thing, a game, a toy, or whatever, you need to think about what other people will think of it while using it. If the people using your thing are having fun, that’s great. If they are learning something, that’s great too. But if they aren’t, then what you designed is like a pulled tooth: something unpleasant that the world would be better off without.

To know whether something is fun, you need a lot of practice. And by practice, I mean trying lots of things and seeing what happens when other people use them. That’s why it is important to get customer feedback on your work: These 50 questions will teach you everything you need to know.

Company based

Product based

  • What is the one thing you like most about our business?
  • What is the one thing you like least about our business?
  • What are three things you would tell a friend about our business?
  • What is your overall impression of our business?
  • How likely is it that you would recommend us to a friend or colleague? Why?
  • What could we do to improve our relationship with you?
  • How likely are you to renew your contract with our business next year, if applicable?
  • Why did you decide to buy this?
  • What was the deciding factor?
  • What were your expectations before you used it? What were they after you tried it out?
  • How well does it meet those expectations?
  • Did you have any problems with this? How could we fix them?
  • Did you find anything confusing about the instructions or user interface? How could we fix them to make them easier to understand?
  • Did you try anything else once you bought this, and if so, how did it compare to this product? What could we do to make our product better than the competitors?
  • Have you tested other products like this one, and if so, what were they and what were their names and how did you compare them with ours?
  • If there were one or two things, we could change about this, what would they be, and why would that solve your problem or make this product more useful?
  • What will be the one thing that can make you love this product (if love is an appropriate reaction)? Why should we focus on that thing in particular?
  • On a scale from 0–10, how satisfied are you with [what we just did for you]?
  • Is there anything that disappointed you about our product/service?
  • Was there anything you thought was especially good about our service?

Product marketing


Purchasing experience

  • How did you hear about our product?
  • What problem are you solving by using this product?
  • How would you rate the usefulness of this product?
  • How would you rate the ease of usage of this product?
  • On a scale of 1 to 5, how easy was it to find the information you were looking for on our site?
  • From 1 to 5, how satisfied are you with our customer support?
  • What one thing could we do to make your experience better?
  • Would you recommend our product to a friend or colleague? If not, why not?
  • What do you think we should improve in our next version of the product?
  • Would you prefer to receive more information from us via email or phone?
  • What is the purpose of your visit today?
  • How would you rate our service today?
  • Could we have handled your request better?
  • What more could we have done to make things better for you?
  • How likely are you to use us again?
  • Which of our staff members provides you with great service?
  • What was he/she like?
  • Rate our service between 1-5?
  • Do you know anyone interested in our products/services? if yes, who, and how did they find out about us (exactly what words did they use)?
  • What is it about our company’s culture that makes us unique and different from other companies in our industry? Is it something that you believe sets us apart from the competition – if so, how and why?
  • How do you feel about the pricing for our products and services? Are they fair and reasonable in comparison to other providers in our industry and marketplace?
  • What was your original problem or need?
  • How did you originally hear about us?
  • Did you compare our product to others on price and features?
  • Did you compare our product to others for quality and service?
  • Did you compare our product to others for delivery and return policies?
  • What other factors were important in your decision to buy from us?
  • Was there anything else that influenced your decision to buy from us?
  • Which one of these products delivered the best overall value for the price?
  • Give an example of something we did that made you feel like a special customer.
  • Why are you still a customer today?

When you deal with a business, you have a right to expect good quality services and products. However, you can expect this only if the business acts on your feedback.

It is important to communicate your needs clearly, both in terms of products and services. The company should be able to understand your needs and how they can satisfy them. The feedback you provide needs to be specific to be effective.

Here is a list of a few questions that will prove helpful when taking feedback from your customers, although they don’t have to be the same as it depends on the type of business you run. Knowing your customers’ views has always been beneficial for business. Personal interactions and written feedback are the most common and effective ways to collect customer feedback on your products or services.